Wednesday, March 14, 2012

01.Forbidden name trick: Do you know you it is not possible make a folder with the name "con" ? No matter how many times you try to make a folder with the name Con you won't be able to make it. I don't know the reason.

02. Strange font: Open your notepad and increase the font size to 72 , then change the the font to "Windings" . Now write your name in Capital later and look what you see there ? Surprised?

03. Super Desktop pranks: Take a screen shot of your desktop (by clickingSysRq buttonand then paste the image to paint and save it as Jpeg imageformat . Then open the image of your desktop and make it your desktop wallpaper. Now hide all the icons from your desktop (Right click > arrange icons by > Hide desktop icon) . Also unlock the taskbar. Now your desktop will look like exactly same like before but everyone will be fooled whenever they try to click any icon. You can do this trick on your friends computer and enjoy the fun show :)

04. Microsoft word tricks: Just open your microsoft word and then type=Rand(200,99) then press enter. Enjoy the magic
I am feeling very sleepy. I hope my hub was useful to you at some sense. Please post your feedback about the Hub and help me to improve it.

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